Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Watermark and A Workaround

Two pieces of news today. Last night, I was extremely bored and started playing with Adobe Illustrator again. It had been a few years but it was honestly fun working with it again. One thing I had been meaning to do for a while was do myself up a simple watermark (especially with my first wedding being a month and a bit away). So I spent the evening fiddling and then this morning, came up with this:


I know, it looks a lot like the Adobe CS3 logos, bit my text isn't in the middle and my corners are nice and round hehe. Anyways, was a quick effort but i was pleased with it.

Now, to my second point. Remember in my last entry how I spoke about the problems I had with the seller on ebay who sold me my ebay triggers? Well I left him some rightly deserved feedback today and also did some more fiddling and with the help of dads off shoe cord, came up with an almost reliable combination to make my 430EX work with the receiver.

Success... almost

There is still the odd pop depending how close the receiver is to the flash but I think that a hot shoe to pc adapter and a pc sync cord that is about a foot long should do the trick. That is if I keep them. Dad offered to buy this set off me so I was looking at the strobist kits from MPEX. Still not sure...

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